Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Major

I am an Information Technology major with a concentration in mobile and web development. I choose this major because of the lifestyle that comes with it, I’m naturally good at it, and the benefit of being able to take all online classes.

At first I was a biology major but decided it wasn’t the most practical major because the only part I enjoyed was research and that would require much more education that just an bachelors and many smaller cities would lack jobs in that field. When I started taking a new look at possible majors, I decided to give computer science a try. Everyone in my family does something with computers, and since it’s in my blood, I thought it would be worth a try because it comes with a very nice lifestyle. A lot of jobs can be very flexible. It’s possible to work completely remote, or some in the office and some remote. The hours that I would have to work are usually flexible in that I can come in earlier or later, and leave earlier or later, depending on what works best for my schedule. That fits in my lifestyle because I like to travel, and one day when I’m a mom, it will be nice to have that flexibility. It also in the top 15 highest paying majors.

After taking a few programming courses, I found out that I really enjoy it and have a natural ability to do it very well.  

I recently transferred to KSU because I wanted to travel while I’m still in school and taking all my classes online lets me do that. Since KSU does not offer an online computer science degree, I choose the closest thing to it which is IT concentrating in mobile and web development. That, folks, is why I'm major in it. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

A Day in My Life : Searching for Information

On an average day I will look up a lot of information. I use Google throughout the day on various devices such as my phone, laptop, and tablet.

 On my phone, most the information I’m searching is not academic. I will look up the weather in the morning, search for news articles throughout the day, find recipes for when I’m going to cook something new, and use Google Voice to find answers to all the random questions I may have during the day. Since I always have my phone on me, it is perfect for those situations since they don’t require much more than a quick glance.   

When I need to do something more substantial, like look at a map to understand where I’m at and what is around me to do, or find a more serious and lengthy article that I want to read, I’ll take out my tablet. That probably happens at least once day.

Finally, during the day, when I want to study and do school work, I’ll sit down at my laptop. In addition to taking online classes here at Kennesaw State University, I’m forcing myself to learn more by taking free online classes, or MOOCs. During those times I search for information on different programming languages to help me, such as the Java API, or search for answers to problems I’m encountering with my code. I’ll also look up what meetings are in the area that are discussing the field of programming that I should go to and at discussions going on about the latest technologies.

So, as seen, the kinds of information I’m am looking up and using depends heavily on the type of device I’m using and where I’m at during the day. When I sit down at my laptop, I prepare myself for academic work and when all I have with is my phone, I know that now is the time to look up all the silly questions I have.